Genomed SA at ESHG 2016 in Barcelona

This most important conference in the field of human genetics in Europe gathered over 3,400 representatives of the world of science and medicine, including delegates from all European Genetic Societies. More than 200 lectures and oral presentations were given and several thematic workshops were held. More than 150 exhibitors - the most important and innovative companies from all over the world - presented their new products.
Traditionally, during the conference, the most recent achievements in all areas of research of human genetics were presented. Genomed team presented the results of the clinical application of Whole Exome Sequencing obtained within the diagnostic laboratory works, as well as the results of the project entitled “Polish Reference Genome for Genomic Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine” financed within the INNOTECH programme (In-Tech programme path) – supported by the National Centre for Research and Development. The main achievement of this project is the reference database of the Polish Caucasian subpopulation for commercial use in diagnostic processes and in research in the field of personalised medicine. This Polish Reference Genome Database collects genetic variants specific for a healthy, long-lived individual.
The first Polish booth (#743) at the ESHG Conference, where Genomed SA was represented by the CEO of Genomed S.A. – Dr. Anna Boguszewska-Chachulska and the director of the diagnostic laboratory - Dr. Monika Jurkowska, attracted great interest of the conference participants. We hope that participation in such a prestigious and important event in the field of human genetics, as well as discussions and meetings carried out during the conference will result in establishing new forms of cooperation for our Company and will allow us to reach new groups of customers.