Genomed S.A. presented its offer of diagnostics tests, as well as results of its R&D activities, during the 52nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG 2018) in Milan, Italy, that was held on June 16-19, 2018.
This most important conference in the field of human genetics in Europe gathered over 3,600 representatives of the world of science and medicine, including delegates from all European Genetic Societies. Over 250 lectures and oral speeches were given, over a dozen thematic workshops and educational sessions were held. More than 160 exhibitors - the most important and innovative companies related to the human genetics from all over the world - presented their new products. The presence of Genomed S.A., as the only Polish exhibitor, confirms the international significance of the company and the universality of its offer.
During the conference the most recent achievements in all areas of research of human genetics were presented. Genomed team presented results of the project ‘Innovative strategy for diagnostics, prevention and adiuvant therapy of selected neurodegenerative disorders in population of Polish ancestry’, implemented as a part of the STRATEGMED programme, in the form of conference presentation: “Whole exome sequencing of a cohort of Polish patients with retinal disorders - NeuStemGen project”.
As part of the presentation of the latest offer of diagnostic tests and NGS services offered by Genomed S.A., new diagnostic panels, developed by the Genomed team, were presented, including an ophthalmic panel for retinal degenerative diseases and cancer panels for somatic mutations, as well as assumptions, goals and first results of a project aimed at advancement of non-invasive genetic diagnostics of cancer - liquid biopsy (project no. RPMA.01.02.00-14-6209: ‘Development of methods of non-invasive genetic diagnostics and cancer prevention - liquid biopsy’ co-financed from the European Union funds under the European Regional Development Fund). The Genomed team also presented its current offer of whole genome sequencing (WGS), in the clinical and preventive applications.
The CEO of Genomed S.A., Dr. Anna Boguszewska-Chachulska and director of the diagnostic laboratory, Dr. Monika Jurkowska answered the questions of conference participants at the company's booth. The meetings and discussions that have been held allow us to hope that participation in such a prestigious and important conference in the field of genetic diagnostics will result in signing new contracts and reaching a new group of foreign clients.